The internet retreat has been a unique tool for individuals looking for help grounding and developing their spiritual discipline. I began the retreat in 1996 to assist seekers who did not have a teacher. Who were out in the world looking for answers to spiritual questions, and were suddenly past the point of just asking... & into the stage of needing to know.

For some of you, questions have opened the doors, to and now experiences. When one moves from the stage of thought, into the phase of experience all kinds of things began to happen. Many of these things fall into the category of psychic phenomena. Don't worry, it is a stage which will pass... provided you know how to move through it.

What is manifesting is natural in the evolution process, but it often doesn't appear as normal in this world. It involves moving from the world of matter, into the unseen world of spirit. For a few of you, this experience has also taken on a very bazaar side effect called kundalini.

Kundalini is a blessing... since it is consciousness itself...becoming active in your life.

To one who doesn't know how energy manifests itself within the human body, (which also opens one to the forces at work in the unseen world) well... this blessing may indeed make you believe your either insane or perhaps about to die.

If you have had this thought, or experienced this fear, then your going to want to read on. (I have kept many a soul from having mental health problems which can be one of the side effects of not having a teacher.)

The immediate question which should come up at this point, is how do I know you are a true teacher?

This is one of those questions which is appropriate, who after all...can identify a true teacher in this world of illusion and showmanship? Where information is obtained through books, fame creates the illusion of knowing, when one can hold a group of people spellbound with a great learned speech...does this a teacher make? And is this the kind of teacher I am referring to?

Ministers these days can obtain degrees over the internet, one can buy a title to become an avatar, and direct experience is often nothing more then having gone to several workshops or lectures and wrote a book or two. These are not the kind of experiences which makes one a teacher, perhaps in this world, yes. But the work I'm talking about or the knowledge I'm referring to, has nothing to do with the world. The training that it takes to achieve this knowledge can not be obtained with the wealth of kings. The training I'm talking about comes from lifetimes of consciousness transformation... culminating in an explosion of light entering into the human mind, body and soul.

A true teacher will not be of this world, he/she will be in it, but not of it. Plus, something very important will become noticable. He/she will be living in an altered state twenty four hours a day... without gaps. To be with this person, will be life changing because he/she is consciousness... made manifest through consciousness itself.

A true teacher is really quite different from one met at a seminar or conference. A true teacher is going to work with you from the inside out, and the outside in. He/she is going to talk from spirit, move in life as though there was no tomorrow and live totally fixed in the moment. He/she will also meet you in places and spaces that are beyond this world, and will give you tools to remember this. Once in a while, through this teacher you will also get a glimpse into your own being and your True Self. These experiences are not of this world, a real teacher will take you into aspects of the universe that can only be experienced through direct experience and by being in the presence of one who lives with this capacity.

We also have one more clue which is essential to answering this question, it is called fruit. You look at an individual not by what he/she says, but what he/she does. This example is criticial in finding a person who has the unique ability to pass this test. For this reason, people I have worked with for many years are important individuals for you to know. Many of them are avilable for you to talk to, even over the internet. Some have become excellent teachers through years of training and spiritual work. They have learned that life unfolds and is ever changing.

Those who work with a true teacher, will stay with that teacher, even if he/she leaves for a time, the connection will remain and he/she will return. These are all aspects you will experience in being with one who has transformed a mind, body and experience into a unique frequency in time and space, one that simply is. This frequency of living is in the moment and will identify a true teacher to you.

One cannot live or be with a group of people over a period of up to thirty years, without every aspect of that individuals character, consciousness and abilities becoming revealed. So individuals who have worked with me at this capacity are important folks for you to know.

The spiritual journey is a remarkable time in an individuals life drama. There is really nothing like this awakening stage. It is a time of revelation, true, moment to moment consciousness expansion.

We live at a time of great change, many of these changes are coming about because the envelope between the world of matter and the world of spirit is decreasing. The results of this will create change like man has never experienced before.

When one enters the awakening stage, without a teacher, it can be frightening and lonely. There are only a handful of people on the planet who can communicate on this level while doing the work needed to be done in the unseen world. Much of the work a teacher must do involves working out of body in a conscious capacity while assisting the awakening process both in and out of the body.

The internet is the perfect tool to provide the "in body" aspect of the communication. You learn to process your life at this level. The other aspects of the awakening is something you have to experience to understand, and then and only then, will you know for yourself if you have a true teacher.

For most of my life I have been able to remain behind the scenes. I no longer have this luxury. I am now 55. I have been working with those spirit brought to me for over thirty years. It has moved along at this capacity with powerful results. Some of these folks are excellent teachers working daily with people who are on their path. But, they still require assistance on the other side and learning how to bring consciousness into their minds and bodies.

The internet is a reflection of the awakening going on in the collective consciousness, it moves us onto another step on the ladder of evolution. Communication and information can be transmitted at a multitude of frequencies. As man begins to explore the unknown, life will take on a brand new frequency of energy and potential. This is what we are experiencing today, it is just beginning, we haven't seen anything yet. Trust me.

If you are interested in this retreat, contact me at I charge a small fee so that only people who will make the commitment will enter into the retreat. There is a spiritual principle called the bread of shame, which essentially says when you give somebody something for nothing, they think it is worth nothing. When you have to pay something to receive, the mind will be open and the person will do the work necessary to learn and grow. I am not into the money, you will see this as you get to know me.

When I started the retreats several years ago, I had a six week schedule in mind. The truth is once a person is connected and involved in working the process, time means nothing. You will find yourself talking to me a lot, both in and out of the body. So come into it committing to six weeks, then you will have your tools, and we will move on from there.